Four Types Of People - Part One

There was a saying that there are three types of people - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who  wondered what happened. Today, I will be sharing with you that actually there are four types of people.

Vesak Day

This week is a short week ending on Friday as Vesak Day, the name of this observance is derived from Pali: vesakha or Sanskrit: vaisakha which is the name of the lunar month falling in April-May.  In a world conference in 1950 it was decided to formalised it as Buddha's birthday. On this day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate events of significance to Buddhists of all traditions. The birth, the enlightenment and passing away of Gautama Buddha. 
Devotees may bring flowers, joss sticks and candles which reminds us that just as flowers will wither away, joss sticks and candle will burn out, so too our human life. Also birds and fishes are released as a symbolic act of liberation. 


Simplicity, humility and morality are what are to be achieved from Buddhist teachings. To celebrate Vesak, it also means to bring happiness to others especially the sick, the handicap and less fortunate. Buddha ate only one meal a day and he led a very sparse life in the forest up to six years.

I first learned of religion at a young age in primary school. We studied the main religions of Singapore's multi-religious society and I was intrigued. Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. Can't remember if Taoism was included. I love all the subjects as they are all inspiring and the name Gautama Buddha resonates well with me as I learned of an Indian Prince Siddhartha Gautama who gave up his religion, wealth, comfort and all to seek the truth after witnessing much death and suffering. He is also known as Sakyamuni or "Sage of the Sakya Clan'.

He married a young princess Yasotara who bore him a son Rahula and they were married for 13 years. When he left his palace he saw an old person, a sick person, a dead person and a priest. He saw that when humans are born, they suffer old age, sickness and death in an inescapable cycle of suffering and his heart was deeply troubled. The only way to escape is to be liberated from this cycle. At 29, he left his family to become a sadhu or a monk with the Hindu religion. He changed his clothes, cut his hair and became poor from rich and gave away everything to his servant Channa. Soon, he left Hinduism to find his own way. He had five original disciples who followed him. One day he sat under a Fig tree or Bo tree (Bodhi tree) and vowed to never get up unless he was enlightened and he was enlightened at the age of 35. Later, the five disciples also became enlightened and were the first Buddhist monks who helped spread the teachings of Buddha.

Before Buddha died, he saw his faithful attendant weeping but told him not to as all things are temporal and must disintegrate and only his teachings and the truth is eternal and the way to pay homage is to truly strive to follow his teachings. It is an opportunity for us to be determined to  lead a noble life, develop our minds, practise loving kindness  and to bring peace and harmony to humanity. 

Buddhism is as diverse as Christianity and devotees all around the world differ in practices. Some believe in a prophetic end time Buddha. Buddha has come once and is coming again and his name is Maitreya. Others believe that Buddha will never come again, he is Buddha means it is the last time he came.

The Lotus Parable

I have previously written an article about the lotus. Please see link:
Buddha has a teaching that divided humanity into 4 groups for people like lotuses - some are above water, some are around the water level, some just beneath water and some at the bottom of a river in mud and clay. He was explaining the degree of open-mindedness of people. Some people are smart because they listen, learn and therefore grow - like lotus above water. Some just have average intelligence but if they listen and work hard and practice they can understand like a lotus on the same level as the water. There are those who takes a long time and lots of effort to learn and are liken to a lotus under water and finally there are those who are ignorant and unwilling to learn so they are like a lotus in the mud. No matter how they will not listen and refused to understand. How is there any chance to come out of water? Buddha saw the world this way. Can you see a beautiful lotus here with the murky water. When I was taking these pictures I kept asking myself how can a beautiful flower blossom in the midst of its murky surrounding. What about humans? Can we be like the lotus?

Parable Of The Sower

Jesus taught about the parable of the sower. He divided people into four groups. He described God's words as seeds and people are like four types of soil. When seeds (truth) are sown into the soil (people and their hearts), they reveal the condition of the heart. Only one in four is good ground if it allows the truth to change their minds and it  can bear fruit as intended. Some may get it for awhile but soon quit and forgot, others follow the truth but then get distracted by worldly pursuits. Some would be totally indifferent and apathetic.

Even modern day management consultants classify human traits as Dominant, Influential, Steady or Compliant. Buddha pursued the truth even if he had to change religion (his birth religion was Hinduism). He was a wise man who was open to learning. His favourite disciple was Ananda. Buddha lived from 563BC to 483 BC and died at the age of 80.

To Buddha, life is just like a revolving door of suffering and Man needs to escape for mankind is liken to be in a fallen state. 

Watch this scene from The Life Of Pi:

Like Pi, I grew up with many religions. It is easy for us to wear Buddhist beads on our wrist or a Cross around our neck or go to a place of worship but I feel all these has no power to help me as going to a farm does not make one a farmer. I wanted to know what Buddha was searching for or what Jesus has to offer and how our hearts can be better. If I thought I just wanted to go to Heaven it would have been easy but easy is just what you think for wide is the path that leads to destruction and narrow is the path that leads to life.

Four Noble Truths

Buddha taught about four great truths - Suffering (sadness, worry, loneliness, fear, disappointments, longing for loved ones or people and things lost. Origin of Suffering is "sin". The Bible taught that too since Adam and Eve. "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). Karma is sin. In Thai, karma is "gum" which means sin or death. It is time to die when one has reached his karma. Karma is closely related to the Christian concept of sin. Humans nature is full of greed, lust, anger. To me, in every human heart there is a burden, a weight of sin, a ton of load that pins us down. The End of Suffering Can Be Attained by escaping the law of karma. Finally, The Way To Escape - Buddha and Moses taught the same thing, try to discipline the flesh. The fourth truth is a difficult one as it led Buddha to create other rules to curb our sinful nature.

Moses gave the Jews 613 original rules to control the human flesh. No way any human can do it. How many of you can't get away for anger, jealousy, lying, cheating, sexual lust, covetousness, harming others, being arrogant, lazy, etc. Buddha's original teachings gave women 311 rules to observe. The men got luckier with only 227 rules. You can't escape karma without perfect obedience to reach Nirvana - no insulting others, no lying, no killing. When you first learn to talk you would have told your first lie. There are blue lines on the wall and you are holding a blue crayon with nobody else in sight. "Did you do this? No, not me". Nobody need to teach you to lie. At work, you lie to your staff, colleague, your boss, business partners, etc. I have been watching people and how they go about lying even at work and if I were to record them I would have been completely dumbfounded and amazed. You should not even brush aside a mosquito which is feeding on you. Can a person do something in secret or think they can get away with it that they do not bother. Hello, what doctrine is that and which God taught us that? God's law revealed the condition of the human heart and God's Grace provides the answer for the human heart. 

The Five Commandments of Buddha

The 227 commands of Buddha are difficult to remember let alone follow. Therefore, the monks got it down to just 5 rules to make things simple. Just keep 5 for everyday living. (1) Do not kill - most of us never killed anyone. Whenever a mosquito bites you, your instinct is to kill. Can you take antibiotics to kill bacteria? What about the meat you eat? Most of us are animal lovers because they are delicious. You may not kill a cow or a chicken but you pay someone else to do it. So you paid a professional killer to do the job. Is there a difference? The full meaning in context means you should not hurt any life or anyone. Hurting people at work is the same. (2) Do Not Steal - Oh I have never stole anything. Really? Have you stolen time? Download a song, game or a movie illegally? Have you taken a pen from the office? Cheating in any form is stealing. Making use of people for your own convenience is a sin.  What about withholding reward for your own benefit? As long as one does not own up but instead justify your sins which is troubling. One must not make light of your own sins. Human justifications and excuses are pointless as God looks at your heart. (3) Do Not Commit Sexual Immorality - sex prior to marriage is fornication, sex after marriage with someone other than your spouse is adultery plus many more types that are wrong. (4) Do Not Lie or Speak Any Evil - Some people lie too often it becomes a habit so much so that they lie to everyone and they even believe in their own lies. Gossiping, cursing, bad mouthing and idle talk can be evil. A tongue six inches long can kill man six feet tall. The tongue for lying and speaking evil is a weapon of destruction. Watch your tongue. (5) Do Not Use Addictive Substance - How many of you had done alcohol - whisky, beer, wine, cigarettes, drugs or even coffee? 

When a rich ruler asked Jesus how shall he inherit eternal life, he was quoted just 5 of the Ten Commandments and he was already more than exposed - Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honour your father and your mother because the rich ruler was self righteous. There is no way he did not infringed. We are all like this ruler - self righteous. What you complained about what other people do, you go on to do it yourself but when doing it you'll find a reason for justification. Holier than Thou attitude are everywhere. Then Jesus gave the Great Commandment which is to "love your neighbour as yourself". The rich ruler could not give up his money as he probably worshipped money and that is idolatry. We all put our self interest above everything else. To love your neighbour as yourself means to not let your husband or wife do all the housework but you take over instead. It also means you would not expect your friends or staff to do things you will not do. This also means about doing things for your parents, friends, family, relatives above your own needs? You can? 

Ten Karmas

Buddha has taught about the ten ways of karma. You break them you go straight to hell. You can refer to the ten commandments or what others call the seven deadly sins. When we are guilty of one sin we are guilty of them all. In Singapore, in fact, wherever you may be, you break a law you become a law breaker. You don't have to break 10. Quote: James 2: 10 - For whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point is guilty of all. You lie once and you are a liar, sin once a sinner. You are either honest or dishonest. There is no less honest or less dishonest people. 

There are 3 physical sins - adultery/stealing/killing (as explained earlier). 4 verbal sins - Idle talk (talking nonsense, not knowing when to stop), insulting, lying and cursing/cussing. 3 mental sins - Ill will - like wishing harm or bad things on others or just holding grudges. Self-deception - when one makes wrong things appear right that is self deception. Finally Greed - you think you are free from greed? Comparing and competing can lead us to greed. Why is my younger neighbour driving a better car than me? He is paid a lot more? Why is he promoted but not me? Why am I often in a wrong kind of relationship? This is the beginning of jealousy and greed. We are called the human race but we are not in a race with everyone. You have own race and mission. Do you get rewarded when something bad happen to others? It is easier to be rich and successful than to be contented. Learn contentment and start young for there are very few people who can achieve this. Contentment is not the same as lacking ambition. Do not get mixed up.

Buddha mentioned about the 8 levels or pits of Hell. Buddha said that those who go to Heaven are like the horns of a cow but the numbers of those who go to Hell are like hairs of a cow's hide. The earth temperature would reportedly rise 1 degree Fahrenheit with every sixty feet in depth. Therefore, its core would be thousands of degrees. Sulphur is an element and a component of the earth where every breath would be suffocated down there. Whatever you do not find here or in Heaven is down there in Hell. No beer, no golf, no mahjong,   no rest, no fun but all hellish. Earth is our probation, our dress rehearsal or transit point. 


We are going to Hell not because we are not Christians or we did not follow the wisdom of Buddha but because we are all sinners so the ideal is simply that we live a good life without sinning and we get merits to get out of the cycle of suffering. Reincarnation means our sins are so many and so bad that we have to repay during this life and beyond. When a person dies, it is not over. You have to be back because you haven't paid enough for your sins. Buddha's commandments and the Mosaic laws (of Moses' time) are really impossible standard for mankind. The theory of reincarnation shows us clearly the impossibility of our repayment.

I wish you fun, rest and joy on a great long weekend and I wish all Buddhist friends happy Vesak Day!

End of Part One.

To be continued...


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